This campaign takes part in the Olympiapark, Munich, Germany and can be used as a template for other locations.

This campaign has a #difficulty = 10.

Meet the players.

Jump to the next session.


Every year the King of Bavaria opens the festivities of the strong beer festival with a big celebration. This celebration is widely known throughout the regions of Bavaria and unlike the Octoberfest it lasts for 40 days. The opening is on the first Friday after Ash Wednesday.

This winter season the weather has had wild fluctuations, which is concerning many festival goers that the beer will be a flop and the rumors have risen all the way up to King’s Council.

The Council of King checks in with the Royal Brewers to confirm the accusations and it is not looking good. The Royal Brewers are having troubles in keeping the brewing temperature stable and are worried that at the next fluctuation the yeast will falter and instead of beer we would get vinegar.

With no time to waste the King of Bavaria is looking for a group of Beeroes (beer heroes) to save this year’s festivities!

Session 1: Choosing the beer type

The party chooses which beer they are going to brew:

  1. Dark beer equates to WODs with
    (4-9) reps and
    (4-6) sets, the exercises are primarily lower body.
  2. Light beer equates to WODs with
    (4-9) reps and
    (2-4) sets, the exercises are primarily lower body.
  3. Wheat beer equates to WODs with
    (15-20) reps and
    (2-4) sets, the exercises are primarily upper body.

The beer reps are considered as the reps count of the chosen beer likewise for beer sets.

Session 2: Gathering resources

The party needs to gather resources to produce the beer: malt, hops, and water. Checkout the map to see the locations of resources and the brewing location.

Hint: take gear that could help in carrying hops and malt.

Resources map

WOD: Gather malt

Do beer sets of:

  • 25m each side scythe (ruck) swings
  • 25m no handles ruck carry to, back suitcase
  • bonus: if sandbag taken less distance
  • consequences:
    • scout reduction: more water and “punching” the mixture
  • no effect:
    • armorer

WOD: Gather hops

Do beer sets of:

  • 4ct overhead ruck full negative
  • 25m no handles ruck carry to, back suitcase

WOD: Carry malt and hops

Carry resources relative to the tools taken:

  • If rope taken, then can use handles.
  • If sandbag taken, then can use straps.

Session 3: Gathering water

The Royal Brewers are happy with the yield of malt and hops. Though after further inspection they notice that the yield of malt felt short.

The brewers are panicking that they won’t have enough beer for the festival. Until one brewer suggested that they could just extend the beer with some more water and sugar and/or coloring to get the required amount, color, and taste. This brewer knows that this is a Bavarian sin and any brewer who gets caught will be chastised and thrown out from the kingdom.

The brewer talks to the elders of the kingdom and they say

“The sin will be forgiven if at least 20% of the water is blessed by Ruck Jesus at his shrine!”

Water map


  • The party needs to gather 100 litres of water and at least 20 litres need to come from each pool.
  • The party needs to bless at least 20 litres at Ruck Jesus.
  • All the water needs to be carried to the silo. The containers are not permitted to touch the ground, otherwise the severity increases by 1 and is reset once filling up the container.
  • Some passages or paths have a cost to proceed through them denoted by symbols on the map. The rucks/jerrycans can be grounded during the payment process.
  • Any party member can choose to do a set with the additional weight of the full jerrycan to reduce the sets total by 1 for each successful complete set.

WOD: Toll: push ups

  • roll
  • roll

WOD: Toll: ruck squats

  • roll
  • roll

WOD: Ruck Jesus

  • exercise: ruck/jerrycan high pulls
  • party #members + severity sets
  • roll
  • each party member needs to do at least one set of jerrycan high pulls

WOD: Toll: bear complex with ruck

  • roll
    + severity sets
  • roll

WOD: Toll: ruck lunges

  • roll
    + severity sets
  • roll

Session 4: Getting more Water

The party successfully gathered 60 litres of water in total with 20 litres from each source and also got 20 litres blessed by Ruck Jesus. The Royal Brewers share with the party that they are pleased with the initial amount of water.

The party is confused with the statement and ask what do you mean “initial amount?” The brewers explain that they miscalculated the amount of water that is required for brewing and need much more than initially expected.

The King got informed of the frustration of the Beeroes and to void any further time obstacles, he will pay all the tolls required, so that they can quickly get the rest of the water!

Water map


  • Fill up a 60 litre sandbag, this will represent the water.
  • Water is only gathered at the amphitheater by the bear and cannot be carried on the shoulders in liquid form and cannot be carried by more than one party member at a time.
  • The party can freeze the water by either doing a WOD and can reduce the severity by handing in a Polar Plunge event.
  • The sandbag is then carried from the amphitheater to the silo.
  • If symbolically no water in the sandbag, any form of carrying is permitted.
  • Repeat the carry + WOD + carry AMRAP in 90 min.

WOD: Freeze water

The freeze water WOD is an optional WOD that grants the party the ability to carry the sandbag on the shoulders.

The WOD uses equations to calculate the energy needed to freeze the volume of the sandbag from the current exterior temperature. It factors in the expansion factor of water as it freezes thus putting more pressure on the container.

  • T = the current exterior temperature in °C
  • freezer = roll
    freezer power
  • m = mass of water (in grams) which is 60,000 g
  • Cwater = specific heat of water (4.186 J/g°C)
  • Lfusion = latent heat of fusion for water (334 J/g)
  • Cice = specific heat of ice (2.1 J/g°C)
  • Q = total energy to be removed
  • Q = m * Cwater * T + m * Lfusion + m * Cice * |freezer|
  • Q = m * (Cwater * T + Lfusion + Cice * |freezer|)
  • 1 J = 0.2390057 cal
  • Qexpand = Q * 1.1^(|freezer|)

Table for A = m * Qexpand * kcal

freezerfactorfactor * calfactors kcal m

Table for B = 1000 * Q / m

freezerT = 3T = 2T = 1

Use the basic calorie calculator on Munich Rucking Crew website for time of 2 hours on each team member and sum over them to get C.

The exercise factor ex = max(A * B / C, 1), which shall both be applied on sets for the exercises.

If using Polar Plunge ability then reduce the exercise factor by 1, so ex = max(A * B / C - 1, 1).

The exercises are:

  • 10-20m forward crab walk with ruck
  • 10-20m bear crawl with ruck
  • 10-20m backward crab walk with ruck
  • 10-20m duck walk with ruck

The sets are (d4 + severity) * ex.

Session 5: Acquiring brewer’s yeast

The Beeroes successfully delivered an additional 180 litres of water making the total of 240 litres and the brewers are quite happy.

The Royal Brewer checks the tasks left before slowly starting the brewing process and noticed that yeast is still missing. He shares with the Beeroes “you can either fetch or produce the yeast.”


  • The party chooses between fetching the yeast or buying the yeast.
  • After the choice is made, present the task. Optionally, each party member can sacrifice 1 Insight to hear the tasks of the other option and can choose it instead.
  • The yeast is fetched from the neighboring kingdom, the Nymphenburg.
  • The yeast is bought by doing a set of mini quests.

WOD: Fetching yeast from the Nymphenburg Kingdom

The party goes to the neighboring kingdom to see if they are willing to help and save the beer festivities.

Ruck to Nymphenburg fountain and back to the silo, ca 10 km.

WOD: Buying yeast

The party does a star course with each waypoint being a checkpoint.

Scavanger map

They are:

MarketThe merchant was about to give you the product, but a thief snags it and runs away. You quickly see where they run off to and sneakily follow behind them not to create any suspicion.Duck walks with ruck.
LibraryThe libarian is busy sorting books and is not willing to help you until all books are sorted.Ruck rows.
Apple treesYou finished picking the apples off the tree and as you were about to start your journey onwards, you noticed the basket being half empty and a bushy tail vanishing with one of your apples. To not startle the squirrel you assimulate yourself into an animal.Rabbit hops with ruck.
ChemistThe chemist is busy cleaning the drinking water tank of fish stuck in the drain. They are on all four and don’t even notice that you need something from them. You hop into the tank and start helping them before explaining your conudrum.Ruck shoulder taps 4ct.
SiloYou were about to place the yeast into the silo when a bird swoops down and grabs the product. With no time to lose, you quickly grab the net trap and swing it towards the bird.Ruck swings.

Distance is about 5 km.

At each waypoint roll a
with 1 being an encounter and 2 not. Each encounter is `10 * #members` reps or distance in m.

Mini-WOD: Buy yeast at the market

The party make it to the market and are able to find the merchant who sells the yeast. The merchant says “I am willing to sell you the yeast. It will cost you a WOD.”
The merchant chooses
sets and reps for each of the 4 types.
  • Animal
  • Legs
  • Lower
  • Core

The party successfully completes the WOD and receive the yeast. As they were about to leave a Royal Brewer sees them and says “that is not enough yeast for the quantity of ingredients you have brought so far. See if you can get more from the merchant.”

The party speaks with the merchant and they share “sadly you bought my complete batch and I won’t get anymore until next week.”

The party is frustrated with this news and with no clue what to do next other than bringing the unfortunate news to the king, they are stumped. Right as the party was about to leave, a fellow citizen who heard the commotion shares “back when we didn’t know what to do, we went to seek wisdom at the library. Maybe you might have some luck there.”

Mini-WOD: Produce yeast

The party needs to go to the library and research how to produce yeast.

The party can encounter a random encounter between each checkpoint.

The party makes it to the library and speak with the librarian with their conundrum. The librarian does some digging and finds the book that could help the party further.

The party reads through the book and realize that they cannot produce yeast rather they should extract it from natural sources like spoiling apples.

The party needs to go to the apple trees and do 20 * #members apple pickers. One party member will offer up their ruck (cycling through all members) to use as the apple basket.

The party successfully gathered the apples and now they need to figure out how to extract it. They ponder for a bit and one member mentions maybe the local chemist can help with this issue.

The party needs to go to the chemist who extract the yeast from the apples.

The chemist is a part-time biologist and mainly deals with purifying the water for the kingdom. The party explains their issue and the chemist says “I have the right tools for the job.” They shortly disappear and bring back the extracted yeast.

The party has the yeast and only need to take it to the silo.

Now with the yeast bring it to the silo.

Session 6: Starting the cooking

The party has successfully brought all the ingredients to the silo. The Royal Brewers share “your next task is to cook the ingredients. This is done by getting logs from the forest, kindling the fire, and keep it going while the liquid simmers.”

WOD: Cooking the mixture

This WOD exists out of 3 Mini-WOD and is time capped at 90min. It requires sandbags and are capped at a quantity of S = ceil(#members/2). The weight for the sandbags are flexible, though it is recommended to use at least 40#.

Mini-WOD: Carrying logs

The party goes to the forest, loads up the already cut logs onto their backs, and heads towards the stove.

Carry 50 * #members lbs of gear at least a mile.

ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Reduce the weight by X%Increase distance by X%
ScoutReduce distance (LVL 1)Reduce the distance by Y%Increase rounds or distance in next Mini-WOD by Y%

Mini-WOD: Start the fire

The party successfully brings the logs to the stove. Next the party needs to turn on the stove by using kindling and a fire.

If only 2 #members, then do 20m of bear crawl ruck pull.

Animal HandlerRe-Roll animal type exercise (LVL 1)Permitted
Animal HandlerReduce distance (LVL 2)Permitted
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Permitted
MedicHelp member (LVL 1)Permitted
MedicReduce reps (LVL 2)Permitted
NavigatorReplace location (LVL 1)Permitted
ScoutReduce distance (LVL 1)Permitted
TacticianRe-Roll exercise type (LVL 2)Permitted

If more than 2 #members, then do 5 rounds all with ruck of high plank and low crawl through. This means #members - 1 members line up in a high plank position and the other member low crawls under the high plank. Both exercises are done while wearing a ruck.

Exercises with types:

  • Low crawl (animal type exercise)
  • High plank (core type exercise)
Animal HandlerRe-Roll animal type exercise (LVL 1)If new exercise cannot be done under core type exercise, then do 10m
Animal HandlerReduce distance (LVL 2)Only after LVL 1
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Permitted
MedicHelp member (LVL 1)Only after Animal Handler LVL 1 or Tactician LVL 2
MedicReduce reps (LVL 2)Only after Animal Handler LVL 1 or Tactician LVL 2
NavigatorReplace location (LVL 1)Permitted
ScoutReduce distance (LVL 1)Only after Animal Handler LVL 1 or Tactician LVL 2 on animal type
TacticianRe-Roll animal exercise type (LVL 2)If new exercise cannot be done under core type exercise, then do 10m
TacticianRe-Roll core exercise type (LVL 2)If new exercise cannot be done over animal type exercise, then do 20 reps

Mini-WOD: Keeping the fire going

After some initial struggles to start the fire, the party finally achieved a spark and the fire slowly grew stronger. To make sure not to endure the same pain again, the party will monitor the fire. Some will be bringing the logs to the stove while the others will be placing the logs into the fire.

S = ceil(#members/2) members do 20m of sandbag throws with ruck on and the rest do high plank with lateral ruck pull throughs. Create groups of 2 and maximally one group of 3. The group of 3 should have a shifted start meaning one of the sandbag throwers will initially only do 10m while the other does the complete 20m. This is to cycle through all group members quickly.

Exercises with types:

  • 20m sandbag throw (lower and upper type exercise) with ruck
  • high plank (core type exercise) with lateral ruck pull throughs (upper type exercise)
Animal HandlerNoneNone
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Sandbag throw with ruck to Sandbag throw, lasts only for 5min
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Sandbag throw to ruck deadlift plus step, lasts only for 5min
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Ruck deadlift plus step to lunges, lasts only for 5min
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Lateral ruck pull throughs to alternating toe touches, lasts only for 5min
MedicHelp/Reduce (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Only for sandbag throws or after Tactician (LVL 2)
NavigatorReplace location (LVL 1)Permitted
ScoutReduce distance (LVL 1)Only for sandbag throws
TacticianRe-Roll sandbag throw exercise (LVL 2)This turns the one exercise into two and each for 10 reps
TacticianRe-Roll high plank with lateral ruck pull throughs (LVL 2)This turns the one exercise into two and each for 10 reps

Session 7: Building the beer barrel

The party started the cooking process. The Royal Brewer comes over to see their progress and is pleased. Before he leaves he looks around and asks “Have you thought about how you will be transporting the beverage to the festivities?” The Beeroes look at each other in confusion until one of them say “We thought you would provide us with one!” He chuckles and replies “Sadly our barrels are already in circulation for next season’s beer.”

Before leaving the Royal Brewer mentions “Either you can go see if the neighboring kingdom has a barrel or you can build one.”


  • Choose between fetching or manufacturing the barrel. Each comes with its own WOD and potential side effects on the upcoming session.
  • Both WODs have a time hack of 90 min. This can be extended by the Scout after the time has run out. Each minute longer causes 1 severity.
  • The time starts once the decision has been made.
  • After the choice is made, present the first item of the task. Optionally, each party member can sacrifice 1 Insight to hear the first item of the other task and can choose it instead. The time hack is not stopped for this option and priming is permitted.

WOD: Fetching the barrel from the Nymphenburg palace

  • Go to the Nymphenburg palace with an empty jerrycan.
  • Fill up the can.
  • Carry it to the silo and empty it.
  • It is not permitted to touch the ground and will cause 1 severity.
  • It is not permitted to be carried on the rucks. This feature can be bought at the kingdom with each party member doing one set of bear complex with ruck and can. The reps equate to the beer reps and sets to #members.
Animal HandlerRe-Roll bear complex (LVL 1)Each member does beer reps/meter with the jerrycan.
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Reduce LVL * 5L of jerrycan, lasts only for 1k.
MedicHelp (LVL 1)Can carry a members ruck, lasts for 10min.
MedicHelp (LVL 1)Can hold the jerrycan on a members ruck even if feature not activated, lasts for 10min.
NavigatorReplace location (LVL 1)Can relocate location to be closer to endex.
ScoutIncrease time (LVL 2)For session time hack of 90min.
ScoutIncrease time (LVL 2)Increase relocation time after Navigator (LVL 1).
TacticianRe-Roll bear complex (LVL 2)Each member does beer reps/meter with the jerrycan.

WOD: Building the barrel

The party does a mini star course and a longer Mini-WOD.

Scavanger map

  1. Go to the library to get a book (jerrycan) on how to.
  2. Go to the market to get the metal binds.
  3. Go to the forest and pay the sawyer to get planks.
  4. Craft the barrel by doing a Mini-WOD.
  5. Bring the jerrycan to silo.

The GM can choose to have step 3 and 4 separate or combined as in the Mini-WOD.

Mini-WOD: Library

1The librarian is in deep thought and the party bugs them with their conundrum.Do max[(7 - #members) * #members, 1] ruck overhead press.
2The librarian sees the known faces and gladly helps you instantly.None

One member of the party quickly reads through the book. They learn that they need metal bindings and wooden planks.

Another member remembers that the market might have the metal bindings and the wooden planks can probably be purchased at the sawmill.

Mini-WOD: Market

1The merchant ruffles through their supplies and sees that only one pair is left and shares the price.Do max[(7 - #members) * #members, 1] 2ct lateral ruck twists.
2The merchant is throwing out unsold items and you notice the metal bindings at the bottom of the pile.None
The party acquired a pair of metal bindings. Next they make their journey to the sawmill hidden in the horseshoe shaped forest.

Mini-WOD: Manufacturing the barrel

The party talks to the sawyer who shares “The logs are at the end and will need to be hauled to me. I will trade one log depending on its size for some planks.”

The person who read the book remembers that they need 16 planks.

log sizeplanks amount
20# sandbag1 plank
40# sandbag2 planks
60# sandbag3 planks
80# sandbag4 planks
100# sandbag5 planks
  • Each quantity of planks needs to be carried 250 m to the metal ball within a time hack of 2 min. Every started 5s on failure increases the friction factor F by 1.
  • Each quantity of planks needs to be thrown over the metal ball at least T = 6 - planks amount or T * 2m sandbag throw.
  • The friction factor reduces the distance for the carry, instead one will do F * 5m bear crawl to the start of the new carry, and it resets each round.
  • All exercises should be done with ruck on.
  • All extra planks reduce severity by 1.
Animal HandlerRe-Roll bear crawl (LVL 1)Permitted, lasts for 1 round.
ArmorerReduce gear (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Reduce ruck, lasts for 5 planks.
MedicHelp/Reduce (LVL 1 or LVL 2)Permitted, lasts for 5 planks.
ScoutIncrease time (LVL 2)Increase time hack, lasts for 1 round.
TacticianRe-Roll any (LVL 2)Permitted, lasts for 1 round.

The party after many minutes of grind, sweat, and tears create a beer barrel.

The party needs to bring the barrel to the silo.


The party finally brings the beer barrel to the silo. They hope that no unexpected consequences happen until the festivities and hope they can just relax until the day of the festivities.

The party is about to leave the silo when one party member catches a glimpse of how a surge of carbon dioxide is bubbling up from the base of the silo. Will the party be able to act quickly and stop the foreseen explosion or will they have to deal with the shame of failing to brew the beer in time.

Session 8: The silo tank is about to burst

The pressure valve on the beer tank is in the red. The party waves over the Royal Brewers who quickly jump into action and delegate the party various tasks.

New content will be available on 2025-03-14.

Session 9

New content will be available on 2025-03-21.

Session 10

New content will be available on 2025-03-22.


Dark beer

Light beer

Wheat beer
